Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Foundation reaches out to needy and underprivileged people in the community

Sibusiso Ndlovu ACORNHOEK KA-ZITHA-One of the tasks for community base organisations is to contribute towards improving the lives of poor and underprivileged residents, while this is not an easy task to do. The Meriwether Foundation at Ka-Zitha village, about 7 kilometres from Acornhoek, has been helping the community in provide free education, food, water and medical treatment to underprivileged, unemployed and poor people in the community. Chris Katuli is the manager of Meriwether Foundation at Ka-Zitha branch, Katuli says the foundation is divided into three main projects which include healthcare clinic, agricultural projects and free education classes. “This is part of our contribution as a foundation to the community. We cannot sit and watch while other people suffer. We have to give the little we have," he said. Refilwe Manyama, an educator at the foundation says the foundation helped her to recognise the needs of the poor and vulnerable people in the community. “Now I am no longer working for money only but also for helping these kids to make their dreams come true. I started working at the foundation in 2011, when it opens. I teach Art, Music, English and Maths. In our education division we have about 110 kids aged 3-4years we provide them with free education”, Exaplain Manyama. Xap Xap news quoted Nana Meriwether a co-owner and the former Miss Maryland USA 2012, on their foundation’s website, saying through her work with the foundation in Southern Africa, she has been blessed to engage in wonderfully enriching experiences. “The foundation focuses on helping communities in terms of medical assistance and healthcare clinics”, Said Nana.

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